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Resilient seated gate valves are designed to isolate the system's fluid. The resilient seated gate valve wedge is fully rubberised with vulcanised rubber. The normal problems such as leakage, rust, etc. can be avoided by using these resilient seated gate valves. These valves are widely used in water industry, irrigation and sewage treatment

Technical Parameters

Nominal pressure: 1.0-2.5Mpa
Working temp.:0-120
Flanged end: GB/T17241.6 GB9113
Nominal diameter: 50-400mm
Service: water, Sewage, oils, gas etc.
Inspection and test: API 598

Supplier: Saitai Valve, China
Manufacturer: Shop in Shanghai Qingpu Industrial Park

cast steel valves

Design Features

Light Weight

The valve is made up of ductile cast iron similar to resin sand's structure and will have high strength and small volume which makes its weight about 70 ~ 80 of general gate valve's. It is easier to install and maintain these valves in the pipe-line.

No - grooved body cavity

There is no groove in resilient seated gate valve's body, so the resistance to fluid is little and no sundries piled up in the body and fluid can flow without block.

Wedged rubber - packed wholly

The outside rubber adheres to the metal wedge tightly and will not fall off from the metal wedge. The rubber is having good elasticity and the whole wedge is replaceable.

Close tolerance cast valve body

The body is made up of close tolerance casting and can ensure the valve's sealing effect without machining the internals of the body.

Corrosion resisting

External and internal surfaces of the resilient seated gate valve are treated with epoxy coated of 300 microns and the trims are made up of stainless steel or copper alloy to prevent the valve body from rusting.


There are three pieces of O - ring in the cover for sealing, which decreases the friction force as well as leakage and the O - rings can be replaced in line.

Beneficial to drinking

The resilient seated gate valves' external and internal surfaces are treated with non poisonous epoxy resin and the disc is rubber - packed which avoid rust and corrosion problem and the fluid is unpolluted for drinking.

Beneficial to drinking

The resilient seated gate valves' external and internal surfaces are treated with non poisonous epoxy resin and the disc is rubber - packed which avoid rust and corrosion problem and the fluid is unpolluted for drinking.

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